About Me

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I lost 103 pounds without surgery, and there was great rejoicing! However - over the last year and a half, life got in the way. Between serious bouts of fibromyalgia and debilitating migraines, I gained some weight, and found myself feeling dumpy, frumpy, and most definately in a slump. 2012 is over and the time has come to dump that frump slump, release the excess weight, change my attitude, and be and feel fabulous! This journey is about more than just weight loss. It is about facing and releasing all things that hold us back from living life to the fullest each and every day. Make the most of what you have, and live a "seize the moment" lifestyle. Join me on my journey, and dump your own slumps - whatever they may be. Welcome to Fabulous!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Plans - Big or Small - Make 'Em!

I have been doing a lot of strategic planning in the last several weeks.  In addition to a project on which I am working, I have been "planning" for other events in 2011, including half and full marathons, a variety of trips, and some other milestones.  Ok - I have been calling it "planning", but truth be told - it's been more of a mild dither back and forth. 
  • Do I have time? 
  • Do I have inclination? 
  • Will the stars align?
  • Will  tickets be available?
  • What will the weather be in June?
  • But...
  • What if...
  • Blah blah blah... 
Boring, Oh So Boring...

To make big things happen, make big plans.  Big plans mean that big and great things are forthcoming.  Make time to do great things.

No doubts, no listening to the nay sayers (ignore them, perhaps they will go away...).  Make your plans, put them out there, and go for it. 

I'm not one to dither or to be bored for long, so HUGE plans, here I come...And once decided, I always swing for the fences.


 Carpe Diem, and so it is...