About Me

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I lost 103 pounds without surgery, and there was great rejoicing! However - over the last year and a half, life got in the way. Between serious bouts of fibromyalgia and debilitating migraines, I gained some weight, and found myself feeling dumpy, frumpy, and most definately in a slump. 2012 is over and the time has come to dump that frump slump, release the excess weight, change my attitude, and be and feel fabulous! This journey is about more than just weight loss. It is about facing and releasing all things that hold us back from living life to the fullest each and every day. Make the most of what you have, and live a "seize the moment" lifestyle. Join me on my journey, and dump your own slumps - whatever they may be. Welcome to Fabulous!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Right Here, Right Now

Part of being a strategist and a planner is constantly looking at the future and considering all things that may happen.  No matter what the event - a marathon,  a project (perhaps one in the same?), a class, an activity, a weight loss undertaking, a college education, a dinner party - I ask questions like:
  • What is the date?
  • What is the goal?
  • What are the risks?
  • What are the rewards? 
  • What are the implications?
  • What happens if the date is missed? (tough one for an organized marathon or for losing weight in time for an event)
  • Can that date be made?  Reasonably?
All good and valid questions which all lead to a future of healthy and happy tomorrows. 

However, no matter what the project being planning, remember that plans are just that, and that one must live in the "today" world as much as the "tomorrow" world. 

One can plan to complete a marathon six months from now, but today, that person has to get out and run.  One can plan to lose the ten pounds for some future date or event, but today healthy choices must be made to achieve the desired healthy weight of tomorrow. 

Today is always a new beginning and another chance to live in the present and look to the future.

Tomorrow, and all the forthcoming tomorrows are just extensions of Right Here and Right Now. 

Do Right Now - and tomorrow will be on it's way.

Carpe Diem - and so it is...