I'm also grateful for the journey of declaring "independence". Independence from what? Well - that list is long but distinguished (to quote a favorite movie) but mainly independence from excess weight - physical and emotional. This journey has been one of twists and turns, literal and figurative ups and downs, and many realizations of the whys, wherefores, and hows it all happened. Not an easy journey, but one tremendously worthwhile and ongoing...
A few thoughts that declaring independance:
- Take chances - and have no fear. The outcome may absolutely amaze and grace you
- Make mistakes. In the learning is the growing...
- Enjoy time for yourself
- Make your own way - it is likely not a straight path
- Make peace with who you really are right now
- Love yourself - it is the best way to love others
Each human traverses their one messy and precious life. In my opinion, in order to clarify where you want to go next - take some time to understand where you have been. Then and only then can one truly declare independence from the issues, problems, hurts, wrongs, and weight of the past.
Release the brakes and hit the gas...It's going to be a wild ride!
Carpe Diem - and so it is...
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