A finish line is a miraculous place. In a sporting event or a life event - months of preparations culminate in that brief and magic moment of "finishing". But to finish - one must start, and then middle, and then finish. That middle part - not always enjoyable, but a part of the process. No shortcuts - just determination.
Yesterday, I stood at the finish line of The Nation's Triathalon cheering for my sister as she completed her third triathalon this summer. During the day, both on the course and at the finish - I observed many people of all shapes, sizes, and ages. Some were barely moving and in pain and some were sprinting laughing, and literally kicking up their heels with joy. No matter what state they were in - the crowd cheered them on, and the magic happened because they dared and prepared to finish what they started.
That magic moment of finishing, of crossing that line of completion (whatever that may be) is incredible. In an event such as a marathon or triathalon - it is the almost indescribable feeling of the medal placed around your neck. That moment is worth every book and training manual studied, every early rising, every blister, every foregone martini, every hour of time spent away from a family - every sacrifice that was made. You know in that instant that somehow, no matter what the circumstances, disabilities, distractions, and issues - a miracle was accomplished. That miracle then spurs on more accomplishments, because you know that you can...
And so, you start again, and middle again, and finish again, and so on, and so on.
Not always easy - but the finish line represents the courage to begin, to try, to go out, and to succeed.
"Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat." Theodore Roosevelt
About Me

- Carol Fitzgerald Tyler
- I lost 103 pounds without surgery, and there was great rejoicing! However - over the last year and a half, life got in the way. Between serious bouts of fibromyalgia and debilitating migraines, I gained some weight, and found myself feeling dumpy, frumpy, and most definately in a slump. 2012 is over and the time has come to dump that frump slump, release the excess weight, change my attitude, and be and feel fabulous! This journey is about more than just weight loss. It is about facing and releasing all things that hold us back from living life to the fullest each and every day. Make the most of what you have, and live a "seize the moment" lifestyle. Join me on my journey, and dump your own slumps - whatever they may be. Welcome to Fabulous!