It's January 14th, 2011 - 14 days into the New Year which is replete with declarations of resolutions, intentions, and goals.
I haven't been perfect these last 14 days, but have at least been consciously aware of what I am eating, drinking, and sneaking (sweet potato fries are NOT healthy no matter what explanation is given. It's the word "fry" that gives that away...)
Today while dressing, I was pleasantly surprised that a pair of slacks that were snug two weeks ago are loose again. The belt that was on the first notch is now on the third. Waking up and being mindful really does make a difference - not only in weight, but in life.
Small changes and small re-arranges all equal moderates losses. Just the encouragement I needed to keep those intentions. That kind of belt is a joy to tighten.
Carpe Diem and so it is...
About Me

- Carol Fitzgerald Tyler
- I lost 103 pounds without surgery, and there was great rejoicing! However - over the last year and a half, life got in the way. Between serious bouts of fibromyalgia and debilitating migraines, I gained some weight, and found myself feeling dumpy, frumpy, and most definately in a slump. 2012 is over and the time has come to dump that frump slump, release the excess weight, change my attitude, and be and feel fabulous! This journey is about more than just weight loss. It is about facing and releasing all things that hold us back from living life to the fullest each and every day. Make the most of what you have, and live a "seize the moment" lifestyle. Join me on my journey, and dump your own slumps - whatever they may be. Welcome to Fabulous!