- Cancel
- Clear
- Delete
The first half though - well, despite a few shining moments, suffice it to say again - Cancel, Clear, Delete. I'm resolved to think of it as my chance to let go (something I am learning to do better).
2010 - Thanks for the memories and lessons. However - Done, Over, Basta. Cancel, Clear, Delete.
2011 - As with most of humanity, it is with excitement and anticipation that I greet this new year. It feels great already.
How did this new and wonderous year arrive? Quietly with a family dinner on the eve, and with a continued quiet day at home on the 1st. The quiet was not a result of overindulgence, but rather one last day of dark clouds, winter hibernation, and peace before this New Year really gets into gear.
Today - I awoke to a stunning winter sunrise. The icy cold has completely cleared the air.
And in that clarity - things look so bright again.