About Me

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I lost 103 pounds without surgery, and there was great rejoicing! However - over the last year and a half, life got in the way. Between serious bouts of fibromyalgia and debilitating migraines, I gained some weight, and found myself feeling dumpy, frumpy, and most definately in a slump. 2012 is over and the time has come to dump that frump slump, release the excess weight, change my attitude, and be and feel fabulous! This journey is about more than just weight loss. It is about facing and releasing all things that hold us back from living life to the fullest each and every day. Make the most of what you have, and live a "seize the moment" lifestyle. Join me on my journey, and dump your own slumps - whatever they may be. Welcome to Fabulous!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Carpe Diem Reminder #216

I just got word that a dear former colleague of mine passed away from a heart attack at age 52.  That's tough to take, but for me it is another reminder to live in the present moment, and don't let the minisule irritations get in the way. 

Treasure the simple:
  • Playing a fierce game of Trouble with my nieces, and then snuggling with them under a pile of blankets on a chilly fall evening wearing our matching pajamas
  • A gorgeous maple tree changing colors
  • Sunshine
  • A feast of Chinese takeout
  • A fantastic conversation with someone in a customer service job that actually wants to provide customer service above and beyond (thank you BethAnn at the Mandarin Oriental!  You are the best!)
  • A note from my college freshman godson telling me "I'm the best" for no apparent reason
  • Finding the perfect birthday card for my mother that I know will make her cry in a good way
These are not monumental moments, but they are the moments that thread together our lives, and sometimes, that is all the special that is required. 

Joe -many will miss you.  Thank you for being a part of my life for the time you were, and thank you for the viseral and painful reminder that Carpe Diem / All In is the only way to live. 

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